Non Profit Project

Throughout this unit our core text has been Nickel and Dimed in which author Barbara Ehrenreich sets out to see if it is possible to live on the minimum wage. We have also looked at related ideas such as poverty, violence and the wealth gap in the United States. Up until now, we have uncovered some rather sad facts about the state of our country. But there is Hope! There are amazing men and women working to help those in need and change their communities! Your job is to research one of these great organizations. After choosing an organization of your choice from the ones listed below, you will answer the questions and present them in a pamphlet style.
NJ Seeds
Habitat for Humanity Newark
Urban Leagues of Essex County
City Meals

1) What is the name of the organization?
2) What is its symbol? Draw it.
3) When was the organization founded (created)?
4) Describe something about their founding.
5) What is their mission (goal)?
6) What type of programs do they provide? What do they do in the community?
7) What do you think about the service they provide?
8) Would you volunteer with their organization?

Grading Rubric:

25 Points – Complete and correct answers to the five questions. This means that all questions should be clearly answered. It is not necessary that you restate the questions in your answer but all questions should be clearly answered in your project.

25 Points – Presentation of the information. No matter what media in which you decide to present the information, it should be organized and thought out. Any projects that look like they were done at lunch will not be awarded full points. Presentations that are creative and clear will get full credit.

+10 Bonus – Given to projects that go past the five questions asked and include more information on the organization, its members and the people it serves. Additional visual representations will also be rewarded.

DUE: Wednesday January 22nd, 2014